Saturday, July 19, 2008

The College Credit Card Hustle

Incoming college freshmen, beware of signing you life away for a free pizza or a free t-shirt. Your university or college may have signed a lucrative credit card agreement with Bank of America or Capital One or Citibank. And you will be besieged with opportunities to open a credit card account. Debt used indiscriminately can ruin your life before it starts. Be credit savvy! Do not ruin your credit by falling into these easy credit traps. There will be offers in your mailbox, there will be booths and tents set up out side the football stadium before the "big game". Ignore all of them! Learn how to manage your money on a budget. Do not spend money that you don't have to impress people that you don't even like. Please read the Business Week article from the link at the end of this post. This is a life lesson that you won't be taught in college but it is probably as important a lesson as you will ever have.

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