Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Its Back to School Before You Know It!

Watching the financial news this morning, I saw the CEO of Staples ring the opening bell at the stock market, in honor of back to school. Back to school? Yes! Its never too early to start planning, especially for incoming college freshmen. The downtown in the economy has forced retailers to lower their inventories, which means lower prices for everyone. Carefully examine brochures, coupons and promotions.

Yesterday, I was able to purchase two 500 page reams of copy paper for 2 cents! That is not a misprint.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Hidden Gem Colleges to Consider

There are many hidden gems--excellent colleges which are under the radar either because students do not consider them or nobody has heard of them. Here is a list of 20 hidden gems from Click this link: