Friday, October 17, 2008

Pay Attention to Details With College Applications

Tis the season for College applications. It is time to pay attention to details. Every school has deadlines--for completed applications with recommendations, test scores and essays. Don't wait until the last minute to ask for recommendations. Don't wait for the last minute to tell your college advisor you need a transcript sent to a particular school. Make sure when you write an essay about how much you love the University of Pennsylvania and that you are a big fan of its founder William Penn--only to find out later that UPenn was founded by Benjamin Franklin!!!!!! Get your facts straight. Laziness with the old word processor will get you in trouble with admissions departments.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

5 Tips For Applying to College in a Recession

Many families of High School Seniors are nervous. They are nervous because they don't know how they will pay for college. The economy has changed drastically in the past month. Many did not properly plan for this financial "rainy day" Those that did plan have seen the value of 529 college funds plummet if those assets were tied to the stock market. At the same time, college costs relentlessly increase faster than the rate of inflation. I have written a common sense article titled 5 Tips For Applying to College in a Recession. Click on the title of this post and you will be directed to the article. The time for decisive action is now.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

College Choices In Tough Economic Times

The economy is front and center of breakfast conversation, television, newspapers and other media. People are worried. Values of 529 College Savings Plans are dwindling. Parents can no longer tap the equity in their homes. The availability of credit is tight. College loan programs are shrinking. Household budgets have been turned upside down....... This scenario plays into the hands of State Universities. There are many terrific public universities and colleges. Many offer tremendous value to in state residents. Naturally, these public institutions will become intensely competitive because of their affordability. There will be an avalanche of applications to state universities in the fall of 2008. State universities will have to raise their standards and reject tons of applicants who would normally be well qualified in other years. High School seniors should carefully research their state university systems and prepare to apply to several first second and third tier state schools.